Thursday, July 16, 2009

My First Mosaic

Well here it is, 7 months later, and I'm finally writing the post for this picture.
I swear I have no idea what happened to me after Christmas. I was busting out art left and right, and then come Thanksgiving, I put all my effort into the mosiac you see in the picture.

This was my mom's Christmas present. It took a month and a half to make, and for some reason that was the last bit of art I did until recently. On my husbands birthday, we went to Petroglyph. You know, that place where you paint your own ceramics. It's a pretty cool place, and right on our way home, so we gave it a shot.

For the past 5 weeks (yes we are reallllly sloooow), we have been working on our pieces (I'm doing a teapot, he's doing a bowl), and after painting there for a few hours, we are inspired to do more art when we get home. Of course that meant I had to check out all my favorite art blogs again, which totally fired me up even more, and then I found a whole slew of new artists that I have to follow which means that I spent a large amount of time looking at wonderful, and inspirational art work. Oh and don't get me started on the art challenges, I've been missing. What was I thinking?

Obviously It was time for me to re-enter the art world. I have started working on challenges again to give me a jump start. Right now I'm working on a challenge for the Three Muses, and Collage Play with Crowabout, which reminds me I need to finish my piece tonight!!

I also as you can see, revamped the look of my blog, and I have to admit, that I totally stole the idea from Nancy Baumiller once I saw her site. Sorry Nancy, but it was too cool to pass up, and I tried a load of other cool Wallpapers from Itkupilli (where I got my background) but as cool as they were, they were too busy once my art pictures come on board.

Alright, now I'm ready to go, and hopefully I won't stop creating for such a long period again.

Which reminds me, I want to talk about that mosaic.

Now that project started thanks to Laurie Mika. Oh my gosh I love her stuff! I grabbed her book in an art store one day, and fell in love. I have always wanted to do mosaics, and I just had to try it now that I saw what could be done.

It was so much fun, but seriously time consuming. Like I said it took a month and a half, and honestly when I was done, I wanted to keep it for myself! Don't worry I didn't. I gave it to my mom, and the shriek of delight upon opening her present was worth every second.

I still really need to do one for myself though and I will, but I want to get some canvases and journal pages done first. I'm really trying to incorporate my collages onto canvas, and for some reason it's a lot harder! I'm hoping to get the hang of it soon, and my goal is to get enough pieces that I can finagle my way into our local gallery. Wish me luck!

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